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Home Purchase leads can build a huge referral base! Use each Home Purchase lead as an opportunity to talk to realtors in the area. Often, one Home Purchase lead from can turn into dozens of realtor referrals.
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Lead Pricing

Mortgage leads starting at $9.99 per lead!

* Higher rates apply in select states

Filters Available offers several filters to help you target your customers:

Credit Type - FREE
Sorting by credit type is always free with

• Excellent
• Good
• Fair
• Poor

Loan Type - FREE offers the following loan types. Filtering is free!

• Refinance
• Purchase Loans
• Home Equity
• Debt Consolidation
• Home Improvement

Filtering also available on the following fields:

Loan Amount

  • $100,000 filter - FREE!
  • $250,000 filter - add $5.00


  • 105% LTV filter - FREE!
  • 90% LTV filter - add $5.00
  • 80% LTV filter - add $9.00

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