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Home Purchase leads can build a huge referral base! Use each Home Purchase lead as an opportunity to talk to realtors in the area. Often, one Home Purchase lead from can turn into dozens of realtor referrals.
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EFast Funding, LLC

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Short Sale Leads

Hurt by the down real estate market? Short sales are booming!

We help you find Short Sale Opportunities in your area. We offer motivated home sellers who are looking to get out of their property fast. Sign up to receive these motivated sellers delivered right to you.

Expand your real estate business with short sales now.
Sample Short SaleLead
Name: George Wilmington
Address: 1234 Main Street
City: Eldridge
State: MO
Zip: 65463
Primary Phone: 417-763-1234
Alt Phone: 417-234-1234 ext.
Email Address:
Income: 15000

Current Mortgage Balance: 15000
Approximate Home Value: 70000
First Mortgage Lender: Wachovia
First Mortgage Interest Rate: 8.0
Existing Type of Rate: Fixed
Do you have a 2nd Mortgage?
Are you behind on payments? Yes
Months behind: 4
Monthly mortgage payment: 500
Notice of default: Yes
Foreclosure Date: NA
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